Maria’s Beer Balcony in Germany

Over the weekend, we had family here from the U.S.A. for one night. Stopping in Oberursel for one night before hopping on the plane is the thing to do, or so it seems.

Last night, we had beer in the kitchen. But we reenacted it this morning, using the empty bottles as prompts.

Nephew John & wife Melissa, from the U.S.A., enjoying the last day of their honeymoon

It’s time to pack my own suitcase. I tell you more about it later.

Maria’s Beer Balcony in Germany

On May Day of this year, my best childhood friend arrived from the USA and came to stay with us for a day. Mayday is a holiday and so we had plenty of time to sit on the balcony, catch up on news, and have a good time.

We don’t see each other often, because we live more than 10.000 km apart. When my friend does come over for a visit, then it is primarily to see her family in northern Bavaria.

Over the years, we realized how difficult it can be to get together. Once you are with family and siblings, it is almost impossible to get away to see a friend and I know this from my own experience. Nowadays, when she arrives in Frankfurt, she comes up to Oberursel on her first day. Then the rest of her time is spent with her German family.

Balcony with Bea

With Bea from McAllen, TX/USA

 At first we spoke German. With each additional beer, our conversations turned more and more to English.

By the time we got to our last beer, we were chatting in heavy Fränkisch (Franconian), our hometown dialect we shared growing up together.

Maria’s Beer Balcony in Germany

As I had just announced, there will be a new series of balcony and beer photos. Since then, I have also contacted my friends who had been on my balcony recently (up to a year ago) and asked them for permission to post their photos.

Anything older than a year would need some serious digging through photos.

Here I am with an American friend. She comes to Germany once or twice a year and we usually manage to meet up. Either on the balcony or going to a Biergarten. By the way, my favorite Biergarten in Oberursel is Zum Schwanen (located in the Altstadt) and my balcony.

Balcony with Christie May 2012

With Christie from Hershey, PA/USA

I have just realized we have no beer in our hands… FAIL.

Well, it was still early afternoon and we decided to head to the Biergarten later.

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