National Beer Day in Germany

Every year on 23 April, we celebrate National Beer Day in Germany. This was started in 1994 to mark the German Reinheitsgebot (German Purity Requirement), which dates back to 1516.

The International Beer Day, on the other hand, is set for 2 August 2019.

It is recommended to drink certain types of beer from certain kinds of glasses to bring out the flavor.

  • Tulpe: most suited for Pils and Schwarzbier
  • Kölschstange: for Kölsch beer (dialect for Cologne) served in a tiny glass of just 0.2 liter
  • Weißbierglas: for Weizenbier
  • Flöte: for light Edelbier (select beer)
  • Schwenker: especially for Dunkel- und Spezialbier
  • Glaskrug: universal usage for all types of beer
Glaskrug for any kind of beer


“Im Himmel gibt’s kein Bier, darum trinken wir es hier!” 🙂

Maria’s Beer Balcony in Germany

Here is our first beer balcony visitor for the year! Ksusha from Ukraine stopped by here after concluding her business trip in another part of Europe.

Son Thomas and she had met while both were attending university in Shanghai last year.

Ksusha from Ukraine

One of my friends on Facebook called me the ‘fleißigste Botschafterin, die er kennt’ (the most diligent ambassador he knows of).

I unite nations on the beer balcony. 🙂

Maria’s Beer Balcony in Germany

Beer Balcony Season has started again. My first visitor this summer was Martina, who used to live in our neighborhood. We had met at a camp fire on Halloween night 10 years ago.

And yes, it can be a glass of wine too.

Maria’s Beer Balcony in Germany

Our visitors are just about to board the InterCity back to Paris after having spent three days with us in Oberursel.

Yes, this is 30 December and we were on the balcony, dressed in sweaters only. This winter has been very mild so far. The only slightly wintry thing you see on my balcony are the dead strawberry plants in the planter.

Richard from Paris and Sherry from Maryland, U.S.A.

Things to Do In and Around Stuttgart

Our stateside nephew, who is coming to Germany for his honeymoon this month, asked us for some suggestions what to do when he and his wife spend their week in and around the Stuttgart area.

If you have more suggestions, please feel free to share them here.

This might be THE fest in Stuttgart you are looking for.  See
It starts on 25 September 2015 and is in the Top 10 of Germany’s biggest Bierfests.

There’s the Porsche museum and the Mercedes museum

 TripAdvisor lists both museums among a number of other attractions:
Other websites offer more suggestions: and
If you like wine, there are tours and tastings on offer:
There’s also a wine festival in nearby Untertuerkheim that ends on the 20th.  More info on wine in Stuttgart:

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