A Good Reason to Stay Home

Where we love is home – home that our feet may leave, but not our hears.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Im Hintertaunus (Farther Taunus)


Odds and Ends of London

This is just a medley of different impressions of London.

St. Paul’s Cathedral charges GBP 18 p.p. entrance fee. We passed on that offer with only half an hour to spare before heading to the airport.

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Some alleys lead to more interesting and quiet areas such as this courtyard area off of Fleet Street.

The bottom of the sign says: When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. – Samuel Johnson

Johnson’s Court in London



A Good Reason to Travel

Travel brings us back to ourselves.

– Albert Camus –

A Good Reason to Travel

I urge you to travel. As far and as much as possible. Work ridiculous shifts to save your money.

Go without the latest iPhone. Throw yourself out of your comfort zone. Find out how other people live and realize that the world is a much bigger place than the town you life in.

And when you come home, home may still be the same, and yes, you may go back to the same old job, but something in your mind will have c h a n g e d.

And trust me, that changes everything.

– anonymous-

In a few days, I will be leaving for Tallinn/Estonia with a day-trip by ferry to Helsinki. We will explore the local cuisine of both countries, stroll through the Christmas market (started 18 Nov 2016) in Tallinn, and be amazed by some of the heated streets of Helsinki.

Frankfurt Airport

Frankfurt Airport


A Good Reason to Travel

Travel and tell no one,

live a true love story and tell no one,

live happily and tell no one,

people ruin beautiful things.

– Khalil Gibran

Vegetables and wine

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