A Good Reason to Stay Home

Where we love is home – home that our feet may leave, but not our hears.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Im Hintertaunus (Farther Taunus)


A Good Reason to Stay Home

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.

– James Oppenheim –

My balcony is my castle.

Review for Inn on Frederick in St. Andrews, Canada

We spent two nights at the Inn on Frederick in St. Andrews. It has the perfect location sitting in the center of town, but yet one block away from Main Street, so it is fairly quiet. It is also in walking distance  – just cross Main Street – to Passamaquoddy Bay.

St. Andrews pier

We had booked the vacation home as the price for two double rooms at the same inn was almost equal to the price of the house, and yes, this was the better choice for us.

The innkeeper, Mr. Jay Chung, is a very accommodating fellow. Don’t be fooled by his college-age looks – he’s got a 16-year daughter, who helped serve breakfast in the morning.

I mostly enjoyed the privacy of the porch.

Inn on Frederick patio

We made very little use of the livingroom and kitchen downstairs, but mostly ate out.

Inn on Frederick livingroom

The bedrooms and bathrooms are on the second floor.

Inn on Frederick

The inn’s breakfast, we all agreed on, was phenomenal. The first morning, we had an omelet wrapped in crepe, with fresh fruit and yoghurt on the side.


The second morning’s breakfast was just as inviting to our eyes.

breakfast 2

And yes, we slept well in this air conditioned house during this very hot weekend of 33 C. Our son used the jacuzzi a couple of times, we had our rooms cleaned and refurbished each day, and we had a very pleasant time there.

I highly recommend it, if you come here as a family.

My Experimental Kitchen – Korean Jeon

Aeri’s Korean Cookbook is a wonderful and easy to use cookbook. Her directions are short and precise, her photos are descriptive and for a personal touch, she adds a bit of her own childhood food experience.

Very recommendable!

I started with the recipe for Zucchini Jeon (aehobak jeon), which looked very easy to make, and it was! I cut the zucchini julienne (2 cups), added some green onions, and a dash of red hot pepper (optional).

zucchini julienne

To make the batter: 1 egg, a bit of salt, 1 cup flour and 1 cup water. Then add the vegetables.

zucchini in batter

Drop the mix, spoon by spoon, into the hot frying pan (use vegetable oil). Fry until golden brown on both sides.

zucchini jeon and potato jeon

The Zucchini Jeon were really good and easy to make. Serve with a dip: 1 part soy sauce, 1 part vinegar, and add some sesame seeds. All done.

This is a good snack, or it can be served as a side dish.

A Good Reason to Stay Home

Maybe you had to leave in order to really miss a place; maybe you had to travel to figure out how beloved your starting point was.

– Jodi Picoult –

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