A regular taxi might cost you between euro 50 and 70 to get you from the Frankfurt Airport to Oberursel.
Since our regular airport transfer service Kilic * has changed his line of business (he now has a fish restaurant/shop in downtown Oberursel), I had to look for a another one.
We are using My Car 24 Airport service & Flughafentransfer now. We’ve made four or five online reservations so far this summer, and it worked out really well each way – Oberursel to the airport, and vice versa.
Leaving your cell phone on the online application is not only mandatory, but essential when it comes to finding your driver outside the busy airport.
After reserving online, you get one mail with the data you entered. Within 24 hours, you get another mail confirming your online registration. They advise you to print it out – good to have if things went wrong – but I only take a screen shot. Making an online reservation is euro 33, a call-in reservation is euro 35.
* This was my previous post about the Flughafenkurier Kilic, who is no longer in business. Please ignore this recommendation. Updated: 25 September 2015
Unlike other blogger friends, I do not get any free services or products in return for recommending anything on this blog. I just want to share my experience with you. If this makes your life a bit easier, then that is my reward.
I will be visiting Oberursel soon. Do you have any updated information about the cost of a taxi from Frankfurt Flughaven to (the Park Hotel am Taunus) Oberursel? Has My Car 24 Airport service increased their price?
Any booking from the Frankfurt Airport to Oberursel (whether online or call-in) is now euro 35.
Enjoy your time in Oberursel!