The book Chocolat, written by Joanne Harris, is a sensuous and thought-provoking story about an exotic stranger, leading villagers into temptation (rural France). It was such a pleasure to read this book. The movie, starring Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche, was not bad either.
While on holiday at the Baltic Sea, I will release this book into the wild. This could be at the beach, or left on a chair at a restaurant, just about anywhere. If you happen to find this book, please drop me a note under comments. Would love to hear from you.
A few days ago, one reader informed me she had just found my book Witchchild in Canada, which I had released in Athens/Greece in 2008. Some of these books really get to travel.
Just released the book at the hotel/restaurant “Am Schleieck” in Maasholm on 30 June 2014 at 9:52am.
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