Autumn in Dambach-la-Ville in Alsace, France

We spent three days in Dambach-la-Ville, and it made for a wonderful change of scenery.

There are some small villages with really impressive buildings. This one is asking people to donate blood (Offrez votre sang).

In that same village, an otherwise ordinary village well has a carved top.

Between villages, all you see is vineyards along the road.

Our courtyard patio with some essentials: a candle and a corkscrew

The walnuts we gathered on one of our walks.

Our last evening stroll through the village.

Our bags are packed and ready to go. Bye, bye Dambach-la-Ville.

On our next visit to Alsace, we hope to stay in the village of Barr. We came through Barr on one of our drives, and it looked just as inviting as this one.

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