Places to Visit in the Alsace Region: Mittelbergheim

Riquewihr, Alsace

Riquewihr, Alsace

If you leave Oberursel (Taunus) early in the morning, you can make it to Straßbourg within two hours. From there, via bee line, it is only another 30 km to Mittelbergheim.

On LinkedIn, I found Jean Paul Krebs’s blog post Alsace Wine Route: open wine cellars in Mittelbergheim.

Thanks to his photos, plans have been made to visit the Alsace again this summer. We probably won’t be there when the wine cellars are open, but it is still worth a visit. It has been described as a charming little town, perched on a limestone hill and sheltered by vineyards.

This photo is from our last trip to the Alsace, which took us to Riquewihr in October 2014, where we had a very nice vacation rental apartment (my review).

I do not obtain any free services or products in exchange for promoting anything here. This is just to let you know about things I’ve learned that has made travel better, more comfortable, and more fun.

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