Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.
– George Bernard Shaw -
Travel blog
Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.
– George Bernard Shaw -
With record highs recorded for late April, most Germans are out and about. And we were one of them.
Bundesstrasse Germany
The Greens, represented here in this post, have been nominated by me.
The green route we take to get to our forest garden does look and feel like a ski jump at times.
Heading towards Schlossborn
The lilies of the valley are winding their way around the edge of the terrace. Nature will always find its way.
Lilies of the valley
The effects of Planetary Warming have not made an impact on natural greens yet, ostensibly.
Once we arrive at Fukuoka Airport in Japan, I plan to release the following book The Science of Hitting by Ted Williams and John Underwood.
This book is about American baseball and I have no idea how it found its way into my little library in Germany. The Japanese like baseball, so it might be appreciated.
If you do find the book, let me know. Chances are 1 : 1.000.000, but that’s the fun part.
With constant news rushing through our lives, earth-shattering disasters, such as the Tsunami on 11 March 2011, somehow get swept under the daily news flood.
But as the anniversary is drawing near, more documentation surfaces. When I noticed the length of the film (58 minutes), I decided to only have a 10-minute peek at it. But I could not stop watching it.
BBC’s documentary film Japan’s Children of the Tsunami features children telling their side of the story. A very sober, yet also heart-wrenching documentation about how life goes on for the 80,000 residents, the ones who had to evacuate to emergency housing outside the exclusion zone.
Children narrate their experience during the Tsunami, how they live today, and what their hopes and dreams are for the future.
Personally, I don’t think there is a chance to move back any time in the near future.
One month from today, I will be in Japan once more. We will be touring the island of Kyushu and this will be my first time to travel as a backpacker via JR Railway Pass.
Kyushu is quite far away from Fukushima (966 km/600 miles), but after watching this documentary, I know the aftermath is far from over.
[youtube D_AxnoNrr_8]
The town of Amberg, located in the eastern part of Germany near Nürnberg/Nuremberg (view map of Germany), has the smallest hotel in the world. There is no receptionist and your room is spread over seven floors. But be aware, that each room only measures 2.5 meters in width.
To view the hotel’s website in English, click here on Eh’ Häusl (Marriage House). To get the historical facts behind the hotel’s unusual name, visit here.
For being the smallest hotel in the world, it does come with a big price tag at € 240 a night for two people. But if I had some extra money to spend, I would love to stay in this place once. It does come with breakfast, in case you wonder. At € 240 a night, it should.
For you to sleep well at night, the aesthetic, the quality, has to be carried all the way through.
– Steve Jobs –
My name is Maria Shipley. I live in Oberursel, Germany with my husband, son and daughter. I … Read more
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