Edible Dog Durts or What?

Less than a week ago, while visiting my former hometown area of Franconia (Northern Bavaria), I dared to order a dish I had never had before: Gebratene Leberwurst mit Bratkartoffeln (fried liver/pork sausage with fried potatoes).

Gebratene Leberwurst

When I posted this photo on Facebook, most of my friends seemed disgusted. Well, I would have been too had I been a few years younger. Because back then, I thought only old folks could eat this.

But last Wednesday I was in the spirit for new things, and when my order was placed at my side, I did have a look of surprise. I had to cut through the skin to get to the edible part, and needless to say though, it was very good once you got past the visual barrier.

As one friend commented “..  one common denominator in the old world, east or west. Those who knew hard times securing nutrition appreciate how very rich blood is in protein and all the essentials. it is only those who can afford to disregard it who can affect not to know its history or value…”

Yes, I grew up with this kind of food in general. We often had Leberwurst (not fried) or cold blood sausage with hot potatoes and dill pickles. Growing up in the early 60s, still postwar era and we used an outhouse as there was no indoor plumbing, I’d say we ate rather dignified food, nevertheless.

In addition, we are so fortunate to be able to choose what we want to eat. Wait till 2015 when we will have the next food crisis. I might have this fried Leberwurst again. If it is available. Beggars can’t be choosers.

Deutsch-Amerikanischer Volksmarsch Medals

The other day, my husband mentioned his sister’s inquiry whether we still had Volksmarsch in Germany (Americans usually pronounced it Folks March). I had completely forgotten about this type of German marching event.

With my sister-in-law coming to Germany next week, she might have fancied going on another one as she had participated in a few when she used to live here about 25 years ago.

Then yesterday, rummaging through the contents in my parents’ old house, I found a wooden box containing at least forty Volksmarsch medals. My hometown village of Hambach (near Schweinfurt) had organized these in the 70s.

Going through my parents’ old farm house is like opening a Wundertüte (surprise bag). I do not know how all these medals ended up in the barn.

3. Int. Deutsch-Amerikanischer Volksmarsch Medal

4. Int. Deutsch-Amerikanischer Volksmarsch 1976 medal

5. Deutsch-Amerikanischer Volksmarsch 1977 medal

On the one from 1977, the term international was omitted.

I used the search engine to find more information about these Volksmarches, but nothing came up. As a matter of fact, only one page with about eight articles came up and none of them had anything to do with my search.

If any one of you is interested in having one of these medals, send me an e-mail.




Father’s Day in Germany

The German public holiday Christi Himmelfahrt (Ascension Day) is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter Monday.

This has been a holiday since 1936, although it was not celebrated in the GDR between 1967 and 1989.

The same day is also known as Vatertag (Father’s Day) and many clubs and organizations hold their annual parties, mostly for drinking. This is a day when some fathers, do not spend any time with their families, but with other men (drinking buddies) instead.

We went to the Schützenhof again as we do every year. The fest itself seems to get smaller and so does the menu selection – they only had steaks and Bratwurst available, but it was good as always.

Bollerwagen on Father's Day in Germany

This year, we only saw guys with a Bollerwagen, a hand-drawn cart for drinking supplies. Wonder what happened to the guys coming up on tractors and wagons on Father’s Day, such as in previous years.

Austerity measures?

Excellent Customer Service in Korea

Five weeks ago, in a rush to get to Seoul’s Incheon Airport, we left our daughter’s travel companion Winnie the Pooh behind. He remained at K-haus Gwanghwamun in Seoul until the hotel manager, Ms. Lee, and I cleared by e-mail his transport to Germany.

There were at least a dozen e-mails as I had hoped to have Winnie shipped to my friends’ address in Japan, but time was not on our side. Then we had to resettle the destination (Germany), kind of transport (small parcel by ship), and method of reimbursement (PayPal).

Winnie started his return journey from Seoul on 12 April.

During all these times of communicating, I forgot to mention to ask Ms. Lee to write “used product” on the customs declaration form. So two days ago, a big envelope containing three papers, arrived in the mail. The German customs office here in Oberursel asked me to come in and declare my parcel as it contained no bill, wasn’t marked as a gift, etc.

The customs officer asked me what I expected to get and I told her my little story. Then I was given a parcel knife to open it in front of her. After recognizing that this was indeed a very used plush animal, I was sent on my way, with Winnie in my arms.

Winnie the Pooh, the traveller

Doesn’t Winnie look tired? I thought overseas flights are long enough for us, but he really looks ragged out from this long ocean transfer and truck ride. On top of that, our daughter will employ him as a head rest again tonight.


What to See in Germany

Living in Germany and speaking English, we sometimes get inquiries from friends, family, and friends of friends on what to see in Germany.

German Autobahn signs

The latest one was this: I have a colleague who is asking for travel suggestions in Germany. I have no idea what they are looking for, but do you have any global suggestions?

This answer I had sent by e-mail, and thought it worth sharing now and for future reference as well:

I sometimes travel the world, but when it comes to Germany, I have not been to many places as we tend to visit family here  when we are free. But my traveling students have come back with the following recommendations.

Leipzig and Dresden are worth visiting. Others have claimed the Starnberger See (near Munich) and Munich are worthwhile. Schloss Neuschwanstein is a must for Asians, but a bit kitschig, IMO.

I think I would like the Black Forest and I have been to the Bodensee/Lake Constance (recommendable).

Hamburg has a great night-life from what little I remember from a trip taken there more than 25 years ago.

Berlin… visited twice, but could not really warm up to this city.

Frankfurt is great for being in the center of Germany and allows for many places to travel to by rental car or train.
Some foreigners also enjoy taking a Rhine river cruise. As a matter of fact, there are quite a few interesting places, all in the distance of one hour by car (Bingen, Heidelberg, Marburg, etc.)

Augsburg, so my friends say, is full of history. Also known for its witch hunt in the Middle Ages.

And there are so many nice places, unknown and inexpensive, off the beaten track.

I have always wanted to the visit the volcanic park in the Eiffel (bordering France and Luxembourg).

Tell your friends, wherever they stay, they can also get some recommendations locally. Ask your hotel and tourism office.


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