Maria’s Beer Balcony in Germany

My Welsh friend went to Bali and got me a new beer balcony sign – made from recycled boats, then painted with customized lettering.

Beer Balcony sign from Bali

My friends are definitely ahead of me… I’m running behind. Not only with posting, but also with taking photos.

Until yesterday, we had French beer balcony friends here, but we did not even get to take a photo. We sat on the balcony only once, and had such a good time, we completely forgot about the camera.

Our balcony was due for major renovation this summer, so this took seven weeks to complete. We are still waiting for minor follow-up jobs to be done. After that, we can move all our planters back outside. The majority of the plants died, while sitting in the apartment and stairway.  They need to be outdoors… as much as I do.

Maria’s Beer Balcony in Germany

The Beer Balcony season is now officially opened. On 9 May, we had our first visitors on the balcony.


Next to Czech beer and Korean Cheongju (청주), which we mixed to make Somek (쏘맥), we also some retro party food, such as the Käseigel (pronounced: Kä-se-i-gel).



And now to the better part of the evening. We enjoyed five hours of sitting outside, while catching up with the past nine years,  and current events.

BB with JungWon and So-Hyun

JungWon and Sohyun, two Korean students currently attending the University of Hamburg for an exchange year.

Maria’s Beer Balcony in Germany

Yesterday evening (before the big snow came this morning), I sat with our nephew Jim on the beer balcony in fairly mild weather.

Can you spot what is wrong with the photo..? 🙂

BeerBalcony with Jim

with Jim L. from Biglerville, PA (USA), now currently living in Stuttgart

When you Google Beer Balcony in Germany

When you google beer balcony in Germany, you get to see a bunch of happy friends of all makes and models. Yes, it looks like united nations as we all look different in our model, but yet are from the same make.

The beer balcony is in use in all seasons, at all times of the day, and to any kind of friendly visitor.

Reservations are required and must be made at least two days prior to your visit. 🙂

google & beer balcony

Balcony Harvest in September

We have someone in the family who likes to have a daily dose of fruit salad. While I was making it, I  remembered having seen one of the last ripe strawberries on the hanging planter on the balcony. We are heading towards late September by now.

I managed to pick one for the center topping, before I got sidetracked by another little plant.

fruit salad

This is what one of the strawberry planters looks like in June.

balcony strawberries

While picking the strawberry, I found this baby pine tree within the leaves of the strawberry plants. September is the time to repot trees (by now I’m an expert on baby trees), so I started digging for soil in one of the floor planters.

My, my, what a surprise. I had a potato plant earlier in the summer, raised from an old wrinkled potato. When it was time for harvest  I must have overlooked these two. Are they edible? Of course, they are.

balcony potatoes

My balcony life never seizes to amaze me. Of course, it is not all my doing, but nature itself. I feed the birds on a regular basis, not with store-bought seeds, but with old bread. They in turn bless my planters and soil with seeds from their other end. 🙂 The perfect cycle of life.

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