Snowy Germany

In Germany, you often see bicyclists on the Fahrradweg (bicycle path) in most types of weather. Right now though, these bicyclists have been replaced by skiers, who plow along right next to the street.

It has been snowing off and on all day. But in the middle of the afternoon, we got caught in a heavy snowstorm. A big load of snow got dumped over Oberursel and vision was limited – the windshield wipers were very busy.

The picture on the bottom right: This might look like a gigantic Maß Bier with a head of foam, but it isn’t. Come to think of it, I do not know what it is. Everything looks different under snow.

Many Germans stay home tonight.


  1. Sadamichi Kato says

    I pray you and your family are well! Otherwise I can not do anything, unfortunately. Keep well. If possible, enjoy snowing evening.

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